Reason for Existing
The H3D Foundation was established in 2019 to create an absorptive capacity for securing, building and retaining skilled African scientists within innovative R&D. This will help to ensure the skills that Africa will need to move into the next decade as it seeks to become more self-reliant and to become a global player in innovative pharmaceutical R&D. The H3D Foundation will also be a convening platform and credible voice for evidence-based global health views aimed partly at countering misinformation particularly around research and science in Africa and partly at bridging the gap between laboratory and clinical activities as well as innovation and access in Africa.
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Training in Drug Discovery and Related Sciences
The Foundation is currently looking at developing various training modules in Drug Discovery and Related Sciences that can be facilitated using simulation software.

Mentorship Programme
Building on the successful mentorship programme at the H3D Drug Discovery and Development centre in 2019-2020, the H3D Foundation will manage an African-wide Global Health Mentorship Programme targeting the 16 recipients of the Grand Challenges Africa Drug Discovery Program.